Recommendations and Controls

Use data to drive organisational improvement
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Our solutions make it easy to devise and deliver quality improvement based on data

    • Use data to analyse lessons learned from investigations to make improvements and reduce risks. 
    • Conduct a cost-benefit analysis of implementing recommendations and controls.
    • Create an organisational memory of controls and their relative effectiveness at mitigating risk and improving quality.
    • Break down silos by uncovering and critically comparing recommendations from different sources. 

How Recommendations & Controls  can help you

Collect the data you need to improve quality throughout your organisation 

  • Create a library of recommendations for improvement with data from investigations, risk management and contributory factors.

  • Incorporate controls into risk management strategies from a centralised, pre-approved library in addition to Gaps in Controls and Assurances.

  • Track and manage recommendations and controls provided by external agencies to improve your organisation's quality practices.

Institute organisational memory

  • Document history of controls to create organisational memory and support a culture of continuous improvement.

  • Support health care improvement by understanding how controls impact real-life delivery of care and identify what has worked and why.

Align quality improvement with organisational strategies

  • Create a cohesive link that aligns quality improvement with organisation goals.

  • Embed continuous improvement by linking organisational objectives with controls through Risks that align with Enterprise Risk Management strategies.

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