Claims Management

Help to protect your organization by managing and mitigating your healthcare claims in one system
Case Study

Manage all your claims in a centralized system to drive efficiency and to mitigate risk

  • Integrate your risk, finance and legal departments with healthcare claims management software specially designed to save money and time.
  • Automate and expedite your entire claims process with accurate and timely information that helps reduce liability and premiums.
  • Address potentially compensable events quickly and thoroughly with our claims system that increases transparency and communication with your team and results in better outcomes for your patients.
  • Proactively address systemic safety risks to reduce incidents and legal and financial liability.

How Claims can help you

Improve efficiency and visibility through custom forms and integrated data

  • Save time with highly customizable and easy-to-use Claims forms.
  • Forms can be configured to support your organizational needs for worker’s compensation requirements for SROI and FROI reporting, cyber liability claims, subrogation, D&O and more.
  • Search for a physician to help anticipate future liabilities and facilitate immediate responses to re-credentialing requests.

Gain the insights you need with interactive reporting and customized dashboards

  • Create reports that help you understand claim frequency and severity, determine defense costs and track financial spending.
  • Generate financial reports for actuaries or Third-Party Administrators (TPAs).
  • Use easy-to-read dashboards to stay on budget, minimize losses, and identify trends against incident and complaint data.
  • Monitor insurance policies and their reserve balances to avoid eroding excess policy layers.

Reduce administrative burdens and liability costs

  • Track progress of claims from initiation to resolution.
  • Monitor potentially compensable events (PCEs) by viewing data across Claims, Risk, Feedback software before they become costly.
  • Use automated reminders to reduce lag time and meet deadlines.
  • Leverage alerts to identify when your reserves or expenses may exceed your intended threshold.

Discover how you can use RLDatix to transform your organization

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