How we help

Prevent adverse events
Just as you set premium amounts by looking at historic data, our tools are designed to investigate safety incidents, learn from them and implement controls to prevent them from happening again. This event avoidance approach results in reduced financial, legal, reputational and regulatory risk for you and your clients.
Manage events when they happen
Our evidence-based approach to communication with families, patients and providers after an adverse event helps you prevent litigation and loss and improve satisfaction and morale. RLDatix’s approach to the CANDOR model supports compassionate communication and a culture of safety and transparency. CANDOR is an essential investment when it comes to achieving zero harm in healthcare.

Simplify and streamline claim processes
The healthcare industry is under tremendous pressure as it addresses and plans for new and emerging risks. With our integrated, technology-driven solutions, RLDatix helps standardize and streamline your claims management workflow for greater efficiency.