Event Analysis

Investigate, prioritise and address systemic issues to reduce risk
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Provide your staff with the critical insights they need to institute change and deliver safer care

  • Investigate and collect information in one central location— discover contributing factors and share lessons learned quickly.
  • Collate the entire investigation process to uncover the real story.
  • Conduct deep dive investigations to understand the root causes and underlying issues increasing the likelihood of errors in your organisation.
  • Understand why processes and systems break down and implement corrective action plans to prevent future occurrences. 

How Event Analysis can help you

Our systems help you learn more about what happened, why it happened and how to prevent it from happening again

  • Conduct effective investigations and root cause analyses of incidents, claims, mortalities and more.
  • Create investigation reports for regulatory bodies or stakeholders to ensure patient safety learning is shared and compliance met.
  • Use event chronology and mapping software to view the event timeline, so you can clearly see and analyse what happened and when, offering investigators an intuitive way to analyse events.

Identify and validate improvement opportunities

  • Draw on evidence-based data and a library of potential solutions to make changes that reduce risk.
  • Use pattern and trend analysis tools to identify and focus on what events you need to investigate. Business Intelligence analytics help you uncover issues causing adverse events.

Collate investigation processes

  • Access analysis tools including 5-Whys and process mapping – to identify underlying causes.
  • Standardise investigation workflows with review-focused layouts, using tools that encourage insight and understanding of contributing factors.
  • Employ multiple investigation methods as needed to make sure the most relevant questions are asked and issues addressed.

Draw on data from relevant sources to support investigations

  • Push events for investigation straight from the Capture modules, with automated flagging of serious events that require early and comprehensive attention.
  • Integrate your patient, staff and medical data from multiple systems in support of investigations.

Discover how you can use RLDatix to transform your organisation

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